For sensitive skin, a gentle skincare routine for sensitive skin can help to restore healthy skin barriers while avoiding products that contain irritating ingredients. A natural skincare routine for dry skin may help lessen the effects of heat, hot showers, dry weather, and harsh soaps which may cause dry skin.
If you do not have a condition that requires the care of a health professional and would prefer to avoid the use of over-the-counter products that may or may not work you can always hydrate dry skin naturally and give the finish to your skincare routine a little extra zing by creating an antioxidant-rich oil blend using pomegranate, sweet almond, and wild raspberries.
There are many reasons to use natural skin care products over conventional products, such as the avoidance of potentially harmful synthetic chemicals. Take care of your skin not with chemical-based products, but rather with natural ingredients that protect your skin from further damage. Using it may even hurt your skin over the long term. Instead, if it is something you are looking for, you may want to go with any natural product that would provide similar results without damaging the skin.
Organic skin care ingredients are far safer than artificial ingredients such as parabens and phthalates, which may trigger unwanted side effects in those with allergies and sensitive skin. Furthermore, the natural extracts found in organic skincare products are biodegradable and gentle, which indicates low skin toxicity. Two studies, one in 2013 and another in 2015, showed that natural skin care products avoided side effects seen with synthetic skin-care products.
These studies have also found that plant extracts are commonly added to skin care products due to their antioxidant properties, antimicrobial properties, and pigmentation-inhibiting abilities, which help to prevent a variety of skin diseases. One study in 2010 and another in 2015 found that skincare products made with natural ingredients improve the tone, texture, and look of skin while providing the necessary nutrients for the skin.
For added protection, you can feed and protect your skin from the damaging effects of sun exposure by using skincare products that contain natural ingredients like chlorella and resveratrol. Let us say you are a younger person and your skincare routine needs to incorporate natural products to help protect your skin from sun damage and pollution. If you are more mature and older, your skincare routine should primarily include organic products that protect against signs of ageing.
Your skincare routine should include a new washcloth, preferably one with low-looping Terry fabric designed for infants, and a cleansing cream containing pineapple and/or papaya extracts, which will provide a deeper clean.
A proper cleansing routine helps get rid of dirt and debris that has settled onto your skin throughout the day. A toner helps cleanse the skin further, by removing the dead skin cells, as well as dirt, oil, and cleanser residue left after washing the face. As for your lips, gently stroking them with warm water and a toothbrush can keep them from flakes and cracked lips, while also removing dead skin cells.

Using your clean fingers to gently pat the cleanser onto the face can help prevent further irritation. Tools like washcloths, coarse sponges, or loofahs can be too rough on your skin, which can lead to damage and irritation. Exfoliation is important for helping to remove dead skin cells, but some devices may be too abrasive and can harm your skin. A good body scrub will get rid of the top layers of dead skin cells, encouraging new, healthier cells to grow. When looking for a smoother, fairer complexion, a brightening wash may help dissolve and remove lingering pore blockages. All types of skin may benefit from moisturizing after daily face-washing. Keeping your face moisturized can help keep your sebum production in check and protect against external damage.
For best results, put lotion or moisturizing cream onto moist skin (or within three minutes after getting out of the shower) to trap water, and follow with face or body oil to seal in and trap the moisture. Rinse off with warm water, then finish off with hydrating serums and moisturizers from Pure Fiji Natural Skin Care.
I am going to use coconut oil which is my go-to for cleaning my makeup at the end of the day, and then I am going to follow it up with a Hemp Seed Oil Cleanser to ensure that my skin is fully clean, balanced, and moisturized. I normally would not recommend coconut oil as my usual moisturizer as it stays on the surface of your skin rather than being absorbed, and it may lead to clogged pores, but during the winter, when my skin gets super dry due to cold weather, I sometimes will mix in a very small amount of coconut oil to the jojoba oil at night to help treat my dry skin and seal in moisture. If you have particularly dry skin, you may want to consider using a naturally balanced skin oil such as jojoba or squalane as an add-on to your moisturizer.
While it sounds counterproductive, using oils to moisturize your face keeps oily skin balanced and moisturized without clogging pores, and is great for HEALING troubled skin. Traditional face cleansers are designed to strip away the oils on your skin, but they often end up breaking down natural oils that your skin needs for balance.
If even after doing a good, natural clean, your skin looks drab, uneven, or unhealthy, now would be a great time to use a toner between cleansers and moisturise your face. You can even store the bottle of spray in the refrigerator to achieve more cooling, soothing effects. While natural remedies do indeed come in handy now and then, getting a healthy, smooth complexion is a process that requires you to put time and care into which would fill your skin with glowing natural beauty.