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Some people naturally experience fear when they are in high places. Standing on balconies of high buildings leaves them gasping for air. There are different types of height-related phobias such as illyngophobia, climacophobia, and bathmophobia. However, the most common one is acrophobia where one barely makes it off the ground before getting anxious. The fear of heights can be because of a traumatic experience or just genetical. People who suffer from fear of high places may tremble, scream, cry, feel nauseated or dizzy, clutch tightly at something or even suffer panic attacks when in high places. If you are one one of those unlucky people, here are some tips on how to get over your fear of heights:

  1. Exposure

You can overcome your fear of heights by gradually exposing yourself to heights. This will desensitize you to your phobia and with time, you can do higher heights. Start by staying on the first-floor balcony for given periods of time each day until you feel calm when there. Then you can move on to the next step until you can relax on the highest balcony in the building. Keep fighting and you’ll be taking helicopter flights over wineglass bay in no time!

  1. Relaxation

Relaxation activities can help regulate how physiological processes such as heart rate and breathing relate to your fears. Exercise regularly, have plenty of sleep and maintain a healthy diet. You can attend yoga classes to learn relaxation techniques. These will get you in the right frame of mind to deal with your fears. You should also cut down on caffeine consumption as it makes one agitated. If you need a drink, try homemade fruit smoothies and plain water instead. You can also practice deep breathing exercises whenever you feel the fear creeping in.

  1. Use medication

If your job demands you be in high places, then you might not have the time to gradually overcome your fear of heights. There are medications that can help you with your phobia. They don’t treat the phobia but will manage your anxiety and you won’t have a panic attack. You can use the medication until you learn how to calm yourself naturally. You should only use medicine prescribed by a qualified psychiatrist. If you don’t know how to find a reputable psychiatrist, you can ask your family doctor for a referral. Be open with your doctor to enable them to give the right prescription. Your fear is not irrational.

  1. Try therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can be useful in managing your fear of heights. Find a therapist who will gradually and safely lessen your fear and teach you how to manage your anxiety. Your therapist will decide if you also need medication to go with your sessions. When choosing a therapist, it is important to consider whether they have accreditation, how experienced they are and what methods of treatment they will use. Different therapists will have different approaches to the problem. Be open with your therapist and tell them if you feel the method of treatment is not working.

  1. Visualize success

Preparing yourself mentally before confronting your fears can help you to overcome the fear. Visualize yourself overcoming your fear of heights and it will be a good start in fighting it. Before you combat the fear, sit somewhere comfortable and calm yourself. Close your eyes and mentally walk yourself through the safety precautions that have been taken to ensure your safety. See that barrier or railing to hold on to, feel the harness around your waist to hold you in case you slip. Think about all the amazing places you could go on holiday; visualise e.g. the best hotels in Tasmania and remember that it is all yours if you beat your fear.  Once you get these safety precautions into your subconscious mind, you will be ready to confront your fear. Remember to practice your breathing exercises while visualizing yourself in high heights.